Del Rio Trail Branding, Merch, & Geocaches

I designed a Trail Badge for each of the 6 neighborhoods along the new multi-use trail using input from the public, printed and gave away stickers and patches of the designs, and created two interactive geocache weather-safe boxes with a treasure trade, log book and art activity for the trail.

Phase 1: Public Outreach and Ideation

Phase 2: Design Graphics, Print Merch

Phase 3: Geocache Activity Boxes

These will begin their lives as a part of the Before and Beyond exhibit at Twisted Track Gallery through July 2023. This group show is the culmination of the Phase 1 (Artists Ambassadors) of the Del Rio Trail Arts Projects. Phase two includes public arts, sculpture and way-finding.

When the trail reopens the boxes will be hidden along the 5 mile trail. If you find a geocache You May:

  • Sign the Book
  • Print the Stamp
  • Take or Trade a Treasure

The Blue One

Interactive Installation, 6 x 12 x 7.5

The Green One

Interactive Installation, 5.5 x 15 x 7.5